I had the opportunity to view Tim Burton's latest film: Alice in Wonderland.
The film was visually beautiful. Wonderland was so detailed and was stunning to watch.
The acting is superb on every level. Johnny Depp plays the Hatter to perfection, bringing new light to the character and humanizing the Hatter to perfection.
Mia Wasikowska is a charming Alice. She was very imaginative, and yet, very internalized. It is marvelous to watch the character struggle with her identity.
Helena Bonham Carter stole every scene she was in. She plays the over-the-top Red Queen perfectly. She could not have been better cast.
Also, note goes out to Anne Hathaway, who had a somewhat under-developed role and still made a completely real character.
It is great to see a Tim Burton film. I have yet to be disappointed with him.
My rating: [4/5]
Hey! How did you find that picture of me? My brother told me he burned it. ;) ha ha I'm glad you enjoyed it.